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I know he's a fictional character but I'm deeply impressed by this MC's tactics and critical thinking

Qin Chen is indeed insightful, devilishly insightful if he wasn't the MC he would def make a seasonal return main villain XD.

s00mebody • 1 year ago

Devilishly? You cannot imagine, lol

I'll give you some subcontext to these events with layman translations
When he was giving ring with money and explaining Chendi pavilion... quiet subcontext was this... "I might as well give you some money to give you good feeling,... you'll cover all expenses and work to build my shopping center and this will be mere change in costs you'll need to cover... I have grand (and expensive) designs."

When giving offer to emperor... "Now... sit and bark, sit and bark"

Although everyone profits, the margins of his and other profits are like drop in the sea. And he even succeeds in getting cost free full ownership of land covering more than 1/4 of Dawei capital, he doesn't need to invest one stone or minute of work in building the mall and everyone treats him like a godsend

That is called business devil incarnate

Qin_Yinyi • 1 year ago

Kind sir do you know what happened to his first pill pavilion? Did it merge with chendi pavilion? Because as far as I remember, it was never mentioned again in the novel once he left the area where he founded it

x3OPmcs • 1 year ago

damn mc flexing his foresight

Otacultist • 1 year ago

Damn... This one is NOT AT ALL like the other cultivation Donghuas! MC is a Cultivation AND Business Genius!!! It feels like he doesn't even need ANY plot armor from this point going forward (which is a rare occurrence). I wouldn't be surprised if he owned a country of his own by the end of the show...lol!

Qin_Yinyi • 1 year ago

Well he basically owns the whole tianwu continent since he'stianwu continent's son of plane I'm not sure if that's what it's called since it's been a long time since I last read it

Jalaluddin Aris • 1 year ago

Very smart of MC to rope in the royal family. Now he has more buffers to protect and expand his Chendi.

Dre B • 1 year ago

Wow! Very Shrewd

Qin_Yinyi • 1 year ago

I'm curious about what happened to his first pill pavilion (whatever it's name is) since it was never mentioned in the novel once he left the are where he built it

pokebleach • 1 year ago

I think that's what Chen called it the "First pill Pavilion", u are right